e-mail: brunel@almsport.co.uk | Phone: 0117 377 0098

Junior Gym Scheme
At Brunel Fitness Centre
At Brunel Fitness Centre we offer a Junior Gym scheme for children aged 8 to 14 years old. The Junior Gym scheme offers both Junior Gym, Junior Circuits, Junior Boxing & Junior Lifting Club sessions.
Juniors can join as Monthly Members with BFC
for as little as £17.50 per month!
There is also a Pay-As-You-Go option for £6.00
per visit, or £200.00 for an Annual Membership.

What Is Junior Gym?
Junior Gym is a supervised gym session for Juniors aged from 8 years until 14 years. Juniors are able to utilize all of our gym facilities whilst being supervised by one of our fully qualified fitness instructors.
When Is It?
Monday - 15:30pm until 16:30pm
Tuesday - 15:30pm until 16:30pm
Wednesday - 15:30pm until 16:30pm
Thursday - 15:30pm until 16:30pm
Friday - 15:30pm until 16:30pm
Saturday - 11:00am until 12:00pm
Sunday - 11:00am until 12:00pm
Plus additional time slots from 11:00am until 12:00pm during the School Holidays on weekdays
What Is Junior Boxing?
Non-Contact Boxing Sessions for Juniors that are tailored towards helping participants achieve their Preliminary, Standard & Bronze Boxing Awards.
When Is It?
Every Tuesday
16:30pm Until 17:30pm

What Is Junior Lifting Club?
The aim of this session is to teach Juniors correct lifting form for free-weight exercises in a safe & controlled environment.
When Is It?
Every Tuesday
16:30pm Until 17:30pm