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Brunel Fitness Centre


In our Fitness Suite, we have a variety of equipment available that can help drive you towards your fitness goals. Whether you are looking to improve your aerobic fitness, reduce body fat/lose weight, increase your muscle size/strength or any other fitness goal, we can provide you with the platform to achieve these goals. Our qualified Fitness Instructors are always on hand to show you new and different exercises to fully utilise our extensive range of kit.




Cardiovascular Machines

We have a variety of state-of-the-art cardiovascular machines available in our Fitness Suite provided from LifeFitness. The machines boast include Treadmills, Cross-Trainers, Exercise Bikes, Rowers, Stepper Machines and Arc Trainers.

The cardiovascular machines can be utilised to achieve an aerobic, or anaerobic, workout promoting improved cardiovascular function, body fat loss and stress relief.

Free Weights

We are able to provide various sets of premium dumbbells up to 30kg that are supplied by Jordan Fitness alongside four weight training benches. In addition to this, our Fitness Suite also contains a squat rack, a Smith's machine, a cable machine and a Synrgy360 system.

Using these pieces of equipment would be a great way to improve your muscular strength, size, and tone. There are plenty of resources available for you to lift heavy and start hitting those gym gains!

Resistance Machines
We host numerous resistance machines within our Fitness Suite that are made by Life Fitness. These stations include a Chest Press, Chest Fly/Rear Delt Fly, Lat Pulldown, Row, Assisted Pull-Up, Leg Press, Hip Abduction/Adduction, Leg Extension and Leg Curl machine.
The multiple machines available can cater to all levels of training ability and provide every individual with a simple yet effective way of promoting isolated muscular development. Alongside improving your body composition, the resistance machines can also help to increase bone density, joint function and tendon/ligament strength.
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